International Islands Partnership: Finland, Ireland, Croatia and Scotland create network

Skärgårdsdelegationen har varit med och bildat ett europeiskt skärgårdspolitiskt nätverk. Läs mer (på engelska) i nätverkets medlemsländers gemensamma pressmeddelande nedan.

Finland, Ireland, Croatia and Scotland have established a new network of countries that aims to find solutions to better support island communities.

The European Islands Policy Network brings together four countries in Europe with bespoke island legislation or policy. It will facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange, allowing Finland to share expertise with European partners while learning from the solutions developed by others.

Housing, transport and the energy transition are some of the key issues the Network will seek to address, identifying opportunities to remove existing barriers and strengthen resilience among island communities.

The establishment of the network has been welcomed with joy

"The Finnish Island Committee is very pleased that the island policy network has been launched with Scottish, Irish and Croatian colleagues. We face many similar challenges in strengthening the vitality of our islands. We can learn from each other, share good practices and seek solutions applying them naturally to the conditions in each country. Island policy has long traditions in Finland, and the strengthening of internationalisation brings excellent and effective added value to the activities." (Finland)

"The Islands Unit of the Department of Rural and Community Development looks forward to working with colleagues from Scotland, Finland and Croatia to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences in order to strengthen our island communities in terms of economic, social and cultural development. Island communities throughout Europe, and beyond, share many of the same challenges in relation to isolation, access and infrastructure. It is our hope that by learning from each other we will be able to better identify solutions to these common difficulties and enable the exchange of good practices in the development and implementation of island policy that contributes to an increased standard of living, sustainability and strengthening of island communities." (Ireland)

"The Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds is pleased to join this important network with our Scottish, Irish, and Finnish counterparts. Croatia's diverse and unique islands create beautiful coastal and seascapes for which our country is renowned and are integral to our cultural heritage and economic vitality. With over 25 years of experience in implementing island policy, we are continuously improving our approaches to address new circumstances and trends. Through this cooperation, we seek to find new ideas and examples for enhancing environmental protection and climate resilience on our islands, implementing the green transition, and addressing demographic challenges, while also sharing our experience and knowledge. This collaboration offers a valuable opportunity to strengthen our collective efforts in ensuring a prosperous and resilient future for all island communities." (Croatia)

"Our islands boast considerable expertise and many excellences, which the Scottish Government wants to promote internationally. At the same time, they continue to face significant challenges and by participating in this network we will be able to identify new solutions that can help us deliver the right policies and the most effective investments for our islands. Membership of the European Islands Policy Network will also allow us to promote our Carbon Neutral Islands project and inform the development of our new National Islands Plan, expected for publication in 2025.” (Scotland)

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